A possible Artists’ and Makers’ Quarter with affordable housing in central Hereford

Hereford Community Land Trust was invited to make an ‘expression of interest’ bid for some finance under the government’s Towns Fund with the aim of acquiring property in the Berrington and Aubrey Street areas of the city to create an Artists’ and Makers’ Quarter together with affordable housing.

This follows on the report we produced concerning various properties and spaces within Hereford’s historic core, ascertaining which might be suitable to investigate further with the aim of providing affordable housing. (If you would like a copy of this report, please email us at herefordclt@gmail.com .

Working with Hereford MAKE, Hereford College of Arts, the Ford Collective, Rural Media Company and others, we are now carrying out a survey to ascertain the demand from artists and makers, especially young artists and craftspeople, for potential premises in such a Quarter and what it would need to include, along with any associated requirement for affordable housing.

If you or anyone you know might be even remotely interested in the possibility of being part of such a Quarter, we would appreciate it if you/they could complete an online survey by the 31st December 2020 so that the data may be used to support funding and planning applications.

To complete the survey, go to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2M5BC6W , or use the QR code below.

