Within a week of the 1666 Great Fire of London, Christopher Wren had presented his master plan for rebuilding the City to King Charles II. It will come as no surprise that little of Wren’s scheme, apart from the widening of some main streets, was ever implemented.
What are the lessons of Covid-19 and will we see any changes as a result? Firstly, there is an observed correlation between overcrowding and deaths and it would seem reasonable to ask that local governments use their powers to tackle abuses and that central government ensures that legislation protects the vulnerable. Secondly, home is very much more than a place to sleep and we need to build homes that have enough room to live in for long periods. Thirdly, we all need access to sunlight and fresh air. Homes need open spaces – a balcony or a patio should be the minimum standard for all new homes.
But will this happen? Although Wren’s masterplan didn’t see the light of day, building standards were greatly improved and many wonderful churches, still standing today, rose from the ashes. And Wren’s blueprints were eventually used, in modified form, in the building of the Washington, capital of the USA.
HCLT are committed to building dwellings that enhance people’s lives through good design and high energy efficiency. We are confident that anything that we build will meet tomorrow’s needs.
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