Artists’ and Makers’ Quarter, Central Hereford – Latest Update

We have identified a building that the owner is willing to sell privately which lends itself to adaptation to a number of artists’ workspaces, a shop/exhibition area and two one-bedroom flats (which might also include a workspace) that would be let at affordable rents.

We have recently obtained a grant from The Architectural Heritage Fund which will allow us to produce fully costed plans for the adaptation and repair of the building, along with a full business plan which we can use to begin to raise the necessary finance.

We are aiming to align this project with Hereford’s Town Fund plans to act as a further boost to the regeneration of the city centre in light of changing shopping habits. Perhaps more importantly, given that our primary purpose is to increase the supply of truly affordable accommodation, this project will help show ways of turning underused floor space above shops and other buildings in the city into accommodation, especially for younger people who can struggle to live and work in Hereford. We seek to work alongside Herefordshire Council to achieve more use of such space in future.

As we develop our plans for the building we will be seeking to involve as many artists and makers as possible. If anyone wishes to be kept in touch with this project, please send us an email via the contacts page.

