HCLT has responded to Herefordshire Council’s consultation on Affordable Housing which will form part of a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). Our response can be accessed here: SPD response final
The current SPD needs to be revised and updated as a result of the 2019 changes within the National Planning Policy Framework. A dedicated Affordable Housing SPD will support and offer guidance on the different types of affordable housing that is required within the county to meet the needs of Herefordshire’s community. Once adopted it will be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
HCLT support the Council’s SPD but have suggested a number of changes to increase the number of affordable homes being built as well as improving their quality. Some of the main points that we made are:
- Recognition of CLTs to help in delivery of affordable housing
- Encouragement of provision of affordable homes in town centres
- Council to provide list of small sites (< I ha) which are targeted to provide 10% of housing
- More control over larger developments to ensure that 10% of homes are in the affordable category
- More encouragement of walking and cycling and use of public transport for residents of affordable housing developments
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