HCLT is pleased to pass on this invitation from Hereford Civic Society to hear 2 local architects, Elly Deacon-Smith and Matt Hayes, who used to work for local architects Archetype, talk about Passivhaus design.
Dear Supporter
The subject for our December meeting is:
Leading by example and the opportunities for genuinely sustainable housing in Herefordshire
Thursday 12th December 2019
Elly Deacon-Smith and Matt Hayes, who used to work for celebrated local architects Archetype, recently set up on their own account and are already recognised as leaders in the field of Passivhaus design, at the Kindle Centre adjacent to ASDA HR2 7JE
Refreshments available from 7.00pm
I hope you can join us and we look forward to seeing you
Members: FREE (included in your subscription)
Guests and Non-Members: £3.
Please note that we are considering moving our monthly meetings to The Green Dragon Hotel in Broad Street – if you feel this would be better (or worse) for you please could you let us know as we want to ensure that the move benefits as many Members as possible.
With best wishes,
David Fowler, Chairman
Hereford Civic Society
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